Okay, I love it, as long as I don't have to drive in it...
It has been crazy here with this snow and people trying to make it into work. Fortunately, I live very close to a Park -n- Ride (bus transit), so I've been able to make it into work this week. The City has been allowing their employees to leave at 3:00 so that we can make it home safely and before it gets dark.
Oregon has been in a state of emergency, I think they got it worse than we did. The frustrating thing are the roads not being plowed. I don't understand why they haven't been able to plow some of the main roads. The County has 40 plows and 60 crew members and the main roads out by us have not been plowed. At least it doesn't look like it.
I was hoping to go to see the in-laws this weekend, but because of the roads, I think we will make the trip next weekend for New Year's.
Hope everyone is surviving the cold and the snow.