Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I'm heading back home to Leavenworth tomorrow for five days.  It's going to go by fast, two of the days will be spent traveling there and back, one day will be the wedding and the other two, well, we'll see...It sounds like some other people that I went to school with are heading home there too.  This is the year to go to the beautiful town of Leavenworth.  (There's less snow this year too).

Hope everyone has a blessed Christmas.  May it be filled with much joy, laughter and love.

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

So, not a lot going on this week.  We were supposed to have our work Christmas party tonight, but it was cancelled due to the chance of the snow & freezing rain.  The forcasters had said it was supposed to start Friday night, then they changed it to this morning.  Well that all came and went and the impending doom still has not occurred; although I just went outside a little bit ago and I felt some rain, so I think the freezing rain is coming.  As some of you may have heard, there is a cold front passing through, and this whole week has been incredibly cold.  But by next week, it supposed to be back to normal temperatures for this time of year.  We shall see.  (Do I sound like an old person talking about the weather?)

In other news, I'm still not done with Christmas shopping.  I was going to go today with a friend but we had to postpone until next week. 

I will be out of town for Christmas, going up to Leavenworth.  Unfortunately, Jesse will not be joining me.  He will be staying at home and hanging out with our dog.   By the way, Jess is finally done with his job at Frito Lay.  He will most likely start back up in January, but right now he is welcoming the much needed break. 

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the Christmas spirit.