Friday, January 29, 2010

Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to see him...
This is disturbing and I hope none of you ever text while driving.  Please check out the full episode.  The scene with the bus driver crashing into the car in front of him because he was texting has stayed in my mind and it's haunting that people have died from this, that you can cause this to happen OR you could be a victim of this.  The stats are's equivalent to driving drunk.  Please watch this and encourage others not to text or possibly even talk on the phone while driving. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I have an opportunity to go to Hawaii this summer with a friend of mine whose parents live there.  So, I would only be paying for a plane ticket and spending money.  They live in Honolulu.  If anyone has some suggestions for things to do or places to go or "must see's" please let me know. 

I will admit that I have never been to Hawaii, in fact, I've never been to any place tropical - EVER.  So, I really hope to spend at least 2 weeks there as I have built up my vacation and thought it would be good to treat myself to a real vacation since I never go anywhere. 

It's a ways off, it won't be until June or July, but it gives me something to look forward to.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My favorite subject in school was...

 My favorite subject was probably high school English.  At the time we thought our teacher was "nerdy" but looking back on it, it was a class that I remembered because of the things we did.  We did a lot of memorizing of Shakespeare, poems etc. and to this day I still remember some of those lines.  "Romeo, Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo.  Deny thy father and refuse thy name or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love and I will will no longer be a Capulet."  "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?"  "Tis but thy name that is thy enemy. Thou art thyself, though not a Montague."

"There are strange things done in 'neath the midnight sun by men who moil for gold...
The Northern lights have seen queer sights but the queerest they ever did see, was the night on the marge of Lake LaBarge I cremated Sam McGhee."

I mean, I can't believe I still remember this stuff. 

What was your favorite subject?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A look back

1999-2009 (some major events)

College Graduation
Married Jesse
Lived in Ellensburg
Got a cat (Bella)
Moved to Vancouver
Got a job for State of Oregon
Got another cat (Boo)
Got a job with the County
Grandparents pass away (my own & Jesse's grandpa & dear friend Edna)
Bought our first home
Got a job with the City
Got a dog
9-11 happened
First black President
Became an Aunt (to Sawyer)
Went to Kj's wedding

Please note these are in no particular order.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Made it back home safe and sound from Leavenworth.  Part of the travel was by bus and that was the only bad thing, there wasn't much room at all and it was a full bus both on the way there and back.  The train ride was so nice and roomy.  I loved it. 

Time in Leavenworth went by fast; did some snow shoeing, almost broke mom & dad's cable trying to figure out how to switch components so that they can watch dvd's.  Boy, that was a chore, but Melanie saved the day!  I tell you, small towns just aren't quite up to speed with technology and available help.  (Slowsky internet and not good phone coverage).  It's amazing how much we have come to rely on tech from back in the day when we all only had land line phones and used typewriters instead of computers.  Times are changing.

Let's see, the wedding I was in was good.  It was very low key and very small, about 20 people in attendance.  It was at her parents house, so she had to keep it small and now her and her new husband are on the road to Oklahoma.  (Isn't that a song?)

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and is now enjoying the start of a new decade!  It has been a time of reflection for me these past 15 years, how life has changed me since high school, and all the events that have occurred, the death of all four of my grandparents, the fact that my own parents are getting older and how life comes around full circle.  Life is too short to be bitter, angry or judgmental about the world.  So, here's to 2010 and a great year!