Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mellow Times

I think this year has been a mellow Christmas for many people, with the snow storm that happened, travel plans were canceled or delayed and many people changed their plans and just stayed home. I was one of these people, but I really didn't mind. It did seem to be a very quick Christmas though, which saddens me a little because I love Christmas.

This week will be a short work week for me as I will be working Monday through Wednesday, then I have New Year's day off (paid holiday) and then I requested the day after off. So, we will be heading to White Salmon and hopefully Jesse's brother will be able to make it down here too.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and I look forward to hearing about what the New Year brings you!


Angie said...

I am glad that you stayed home and played it safe. Wouldn't it be fun to all spend Christmas together again. We should try it sometime. Have a wonderful New Year's celebration. Miss you!

ness said...

You are right, this year a lot of people were forced to have a mellow Christmas. It kind of helps us focus on the true meaning of the holiday.