Saturday, November 1, 2008


Jesse left early this morning to help his dad out in Goldendale. His parents bought some property and built a cabin up there a few years ago and they are trying to get it ready to go. He took KD with him and she is loving it up there in the woods, running around and playing with leaves on trees, fetching sticks. It's our first experience with her taking her out to some other place to see how she'll do off leash. It's not like we've never had her off leash, we take her to this big field and play frisbee with her all the time, but being in the woods is a little different. I'm glad it's going well.

Jess also has projects he's working on painting my friends' houses these next few weeks. It's good news after it being slow for quite a while.

We are heading to Leavenworth for Thanksgiving this year. Pray it won't be snowing on our way up there. :) For Christmas, we will be spending it with Jesse's parents and grandma.

I might have to testify in a trial on Wednesday because of my previous job as a court clerk, I'd have to testify that I saw the guy sign court documents and testify as to what his sentence was. I'm a little nervous. I'm kind of hoping the prosecutor won't need me as a witness afterall. :)

Here is a picture of Jesse's pumpkin:

I can't seem to figure out how to pick up the tags on the 7 facts about me other than just straight copying and pasting. What am I doing wrong?

1 comment:

ness said...

Hey Kel-

I didn't know how to copy the tag thingy either. I just wrote down my 7 facts.
